Thursday, March 18, 2010

SML, A Destination, Not a Shirt Size Part 1

Take a left at the crooked tree and then go over the hill and down the unpaved road and you might see your destination on your right. Getting to Smith Mountain Lake (SML) from Blacksburg was nothing short of a small adventure in itself. Our car, piloted by my fearless mother, took a few wrong turns until it happened upon a condo- resort complex shored on a sparkling mirror of resplendent majesty bathed by the Saturday sun's glow, Smith Mountain Lake was beautiful. I was there for a bridal show, my second one in less than a week. Networking ensued and I was invited by Miss Angela Courser of Corsair Designs to the day's festivities and fashion show.

Hosted in a small intimate setting with far fewer vendors than the last show I had attended, I was immediately captivated by the explosion of color and sparkle. My heart raced and I was swept up in the excitement. Before me was an excellent place setting for four on a fully and lavishly decorated round table. Is over-stimulation permissible in this case?  May I? Thank you!

* I'll have the pictures in "Part 2" Stay posted!

Vaughn Designs. The featured designer of the show who's line is a  quirky twist on the aisle walking attire that puts you in the front seat as the co- designer and wearer.

This is by far, my favorite look from her line! It's edgy and fresh! : )

Drop- waist, champagne, and strapless. I think I'm sold! : ) 

I had an opportunity to speak with the designer who graciously provided the pictures you see above. I'd even been invited to the bridal show the following week, however scheduling and the impending school week limited my chances of attending. Ah school! 

With the joys of attending bridal shows, and if you haven't been to one you should, is primarily the free food and the NETWORKING. Ok, mostly the beautiful shiny things and lovely people...and free food. One of the limousine fleet owners addressed my purpose there by starting out with the age old question 

"Getting married huh?" I've gotten better at this, so I immediately cut to the chase: 

"Actually I'm covering the designer for my fashion blog", and with much skepticism and amusement he replied, 

"A blogger huh? Ok, so you're not just here for the free food?"A wry smile crossed his face, he had me in a corner, metaphorically.

"Yes, I'm here for the food too!"We shared a laugh and I'm sure if I ever need to be transported in a limo, or Rolls Royce, I know who to ask. 

Next to his table was Bare Escentuals makeup line. I had to admit that the only impression I had of the line was late night glances at the TV while simultaneously finishing a paper (we all know that moment when writing becomes a tangent). I give the representative credit for earmarking my perfect shade of lip gloss in a matter of seconds, a neutral tone or a subtle berry shade. My face paired with my personality only allows me to wear certain shades of makeup on my face or colors of clothing on my person successfully. One of my good friends and I were having lunch the other day when he realized that I never wear clothing that isn't black and white. 

"And grey." I added, "or maybe a hint of color?" Why is this? Let's explore this in another posting.

On my way out the door one of the photographers spots me and exclaimed: "I haven't seen you here at the expo all day, where have you been?" This was a new approach, I fished for a witty comeback. Nothing. So I smiled and nodded. Somehow in our conversation I mentioned that I'm a fashion blogger, more so a Fashionista. Good thing I had my friend Miss Angela Courser  to correct me. : )

"Well you need my contact info! Here, lemme borrow your pen and sticky notes"On the note was an offer to have a complimentary photo shoot and DVD. If there was ever a point where I felt like a celebrity, this was one of the many times I did.

 By the close of the day I had a small shopping bag filled with ads, business cards and promises to keep in touch. On my ride home, I wondered if I would have the same career path as the journalist out of 27 Dresses: always covering a wedding but never having one. I think I have some time to figure it all out. : )

Until soon much love,

<3 SF

For more information about Miss Vaughn's line, contact:

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