Monday, October 11, 2010

My Life In Pictures

In an attempt to distract myslef and pass the time cosntructively, I've chosen to post a picture that embodies a significant moment in my day, or something that strikes me as poignant enough to be shared with the general public. So here's to day one of these sort of entries:

Here is my planner, on a particularly light week. Ok, who am I kidding? It's busy as hell. So I'll explain the sticky notes
- one is for my outfits of the week
- another is my note of what to wear per event that I have to attend this week (totally forgot to write that for homecoming events I have to wear letters, go me)
- another is a contact for event planning for a hotel
- anohter is a list of all the errands and emails I have to send before pageant
- another is the price of pumpkins for the program I have to plan for my residents
- where/when to get my blood work done
- NOVA fashion week (which I cannot attend b/c I'm in the middle of NOWHERE!)

And somewhere buried between all that mess is my homework, lunch dates, and all the other things kids my age "hanging out" But alas, who does that?

So if anyone wants to take a sticky note and complete the tasks on it, do let me know...

Your ever present and stressed,

<3 Southern Fashionista

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