Sunday, February 21, 2010

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder! : )

Ok, so as a media student, not only do I have to toil in class over incessant volumes of texts and readings, but I also have to ensure that I'm getting field experience as well.

So that's where I've been this entire time. Planet Blacksburg, VTTV, WUVT, student and fashion blogger. All at the same time!


At this point sleep is an entirely remote idea. However, to placate your longing for a pending fashion fix via Blacksburg, I give you a few fashionable people form the past few days. In truth, it's been at least a week and a half!

Much love,

<3 SF

Hats do help beat the winter wind. Chic and fuctional. : )

Wellies, great for kicking about in sub- zero snow slush. 

Large totes, where form and function meet and have a party! 
Love the bag and the jacket!!! : ) 


1 comment:

  1. Heh. Mostly the ABP/Squires area again! Im surprised I have yet to run into you there and see you taking photo's! It's great that you're getting yourself very involved in the extra curricular actives. I find that being in the Comm (and Theatre) Department it's heavily "field experience" based. Sure there's the books and all that technical stuff...But gotta know how to apply it in the real world!
