Friday, February 26, 2010

Style Sightings!

So, either the well dressed individuals are becoming easier to find, or they're finding me! Love it! Thanks for making my job easier ladies! This weekend we have a bridal show and Monday is the first model fitting, so that should make for brilliant blog material! : )

I'd also like to thank my style subjects for being so compliant. It's not everyday you get someone asking you to take your picture! Thanks girls! : )

Signing off for the weekend! Until Monday:

Much love,

<3 SF



Love, love LOVE her tights. May I have them? Thanks. 


Playing games with your handbag! Straight from Japan! Oh those Harajuku girls!

Ohh!! Love it! 

*Style note: Her entire outfit can be traced to the same color palliate! It just works! Notice everything has a khaki rhythm to it.  Excellent! : )

Where has this girl been hiding? Cuteness! Quite a few designers are embellishing the front of their shoes (all styles) with fur of some sort. Be sure to check an upcoming Double Take feature on these shoes! : ) 


Check this out!!!! It's a fantastic purse, AND a fantastic outfit! LOVE IT! 


An electric blue purse. I've seen it all! : ) 

Totes m'gotes! Most def a must have for toting things about! P.S. Watch out for this yellow, it's popping up everywhere for spring! : )

For more looks from the same day, check out this earlier post: 

This bag is a catch-all!

Hrm, not much for Wednesday...



Lovely! : ) 

Again, ABP should sponsor me! Lovely outfit! : )




You can't see it well, but she has a lovely necklace. And the plaid skirt is quite a lovely touch! : )


  1. BAH! I feel famous cause you posted my comment under that pic! I thank you! Tyra thanks you! lol

  2. Keep up the great posts! Very insightful :)
