Friday, February 5, 2010

Style? I'm On It!

Well, well, well! What a week! Either word has gotten out, or the stylish individuals are becoming easier to find! On my way to and from class this week, within the span of one day, perhaps one hour, I was graced by the presence of these young women who, despite the turbulent and inclement weather, dressed excellently in overcoats and boots! Let's just say, I'm a fan!

My friend here masterfully balances the rigidity of her cropped biker jacket with the fluid lines crated by her fitted cerulean/skyblue knit dress. Her black knee length boots complement the edge her stud accented belt created.

*Style note: try and and complement the metals in your clothing. Her belt, which unfortunately is hard to see, is accented in the same metal as her jacket! Key style choice. Unfortunately, I wish I could see the belt better beneath her scarf!

 *Also, read-heads are often great in this blue! Great job girl!


I must say, this style coat is not for everyone, but it certainly is for this young woman! Visually, her outfit is in the gunmetal grey family which is all the rage on the runway! Her delicately small frame complements the length of the coat so that where the coat stops, her frame doesn't overpower it. I 'm certainly a fan of knee socks peeking above her boots! Quite a nice touch! 


I regret how this picture turned out, but the outfits speak for themselves! Cute coat= the cutest way to make an outfit out of darting in and out of class especially when it's this cold outside! Jewel tones have been making a comeback since the late 2000's and these overcoats are no exception! However, my friend on the right wearing an oxford and canary yellow coat seem to echo the outfit from my very first post. I see a recurring trend here...hmm. Again ABP=the style hub of campus!

Great job girls! Can't wait to see what next week holds!

Much love,

<3 SF

1 comment:

  1. Good pictures! There are a lot of beautiful women who like to shop at ABP. It's crazy to see them dress as nice as they do at times like 8am/9am haha.
